
ACM SIGMOD08, IEEE ICDE08, VLDB07, KDD07, WWW08, SIGIR2008から論文を取り上げ、 A4 4ページに纏めるとともに、論文に対する自分の意見と授業の感想をまとめること。

なお、同一論文は、2名にしか割り当てない。レポート対象論文を決めたら、 相良(喜連川研助教,sagara@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp)に連絡すること。 割り当て済みの論文は随時このページ(http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DE2008/)にて列挙する。



(参考)各カンファレンスの論文リスト in dblp


レポート対象論文 割り当て一覧(8月25日 午前7時現在)

SIGMOD2008Relational-Style XML Query滝 由貴山本 佳代子
XStream: a Signal-Oriented Data Stream Management Systemカク テンSun-Il Kim
Outlier-robust Clustering Using Independent Component Analysis杉村 大輔三好 高史
A case for flash memory ssd in enterprise database applications王 永坤塩谷 亮太
Damia: Data Mashups for Intranet Applications栗林 美紀林 敏樹
Sampling Cube: A Framework for Statistical OLAP Over Sampling Data顧 彦慧
Cost-based variable-length-gram selection for string collections to support approximate queries efficiently平野 貴仁
Graph Summarization with Bounded Error土井 聡弘
ICDE'08Distributed Monitoring of Peer-to-Peer Systems岡崎 洋平佐伯 勇樹
Environmental Tomography: Ubiquitous Sensing with Mobile Devices後迫 弘明
Efficient Similarity Search Using the Earth Mover's Distance for Large Multimedia Databases曽我部 拓
Querying Data under Access LimitationsSitorus Timothy Lawrence
VLDB'07Detecting Attribute Dependencies from Query Feedback阿部 智成
Optimization of Frequent Itemset Mining on Multiple-Core ProcessorFaizal Kurniawan堀尾 一生
Efficient Use of the Query Optimizer for Automated Database Design西川 記史
Adaptive Fastest Path Computation on a Road Network: A Traffic Mining Approach嶋宮 隆光
Adaptive Aggregation on Chip Multiprocessors杉本 健
KDD'07Detecting Motifs Under Uniform Scaling長谷川 隆
Constraint-Driven Clustering漆畑 亮
Knowledge Discovery of Multiple-topic Document using Parametric Mixture Model with Dirichlet PriorPanjaitan Fernando
Cross-Language Information Retrieval Using PARAFAC2範 暁蓉渡辺 晃生
Detecting research topics via the correlation between graphs and texts広畑 堅治
WWW'08PageRank for Product Image Search石井 雅人石渡 裕之
Tag-based Social Interest Discovery青木 貴司大橋 俊介
A Comparative Analysis of Web and Peer-to-Peer Traffic榑林 勇気白川直人
Organizing and Sharing Distributed Personal Web-Service Data大口 諒長沼 翔
Generating Diverse and Representative Image Search Results for Landmarks小田嶋 成幸菅野 裕介
Statistical analysis of the social network and discussion threads in Slashdot谷田 英生藤原 健太
KeySurf: A character controlled browser for people with physical disabilities伊藤 俊夫李 坤波
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Webpage Segmentation田中 峻一
Validating the Use and Role of Visual Elements of Web Pages in Navigation with an Eye-Tracking Study兵動 靖英下忠 健一
Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers: Everyone Knows Something内木 孝将青木 史朗
Modeling Anchor Text and Classifying Queries to Enhance Web Document Retrieval木田 巧
Automatic Online News Issue Construction in Web Environment野田 陽平畑田 晃希
Flickr tag recommendation based on collective knowledge山本 和明森本 悠嗣
Yes, There is a Correlation From Social Networks to Personal Behavior on the Web三吉 祟大喜多 貴信
Optimal Marketing Strategies over Social NetworksMINGHINI Rodrigo
Opinion Integration Through Semi-supervised Topic Modeling大根 千明
Service-Oriented Data Denormalization for Scalable Web Applications吉富 翔太
Why Web 2.0 is Good for Learning and for Research : Principles and Prototypes田野 文彦佐伯 嘉康
Online Learning from Click Data for Sponsored Search栗田 光晴
Finding the Right Facts in the Crowd:Factoid Question Answering over Social MediaJunghyun Kim孫 卓力
Recrawl scheduling based on information longevityUtama Martin
How people use the web on mobile devices田口 勝也
Learning transportation mode from raw gps data for geographic applications on the webDrajat Eko Rianto寺田 篤司
Improving relevance judgment of web search results with image excerpts浜崎 佑樹
Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontology顔 玉蘭
Secure or insure?: a game-theoretic analysis of information security games樽井 翔
SIGIR2008Discovering Key Concepts in Verbose QueriesTeixeira Rene
Discovering bucket orders from full rankings山田 祥徳
Ambiguous Queries: Test Collections Need More SenseFrancisco Tacoa
Enhancing web search by promoting multiple search engine use森下 賢志李 相錫
Topic-bridged PLSA for cross-domain text classification田渕 史郎
Learning to reduce the semantic gap in web image retrieval and annotation桑原 絢一