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IEEE Technical Committee on Data Engineering



The Technical Committee on Data Engineering (TCDE) of the IEEE Computer Society is concerned with the role of data in the design, development, management and utilization of information systems.

Issues of interest include:

  • database design;
  • knowledge of data and its processing;
  • languages to describe data, define access and manipulate databases;
  • strategies and mechanisms for data access;
  • security and integrity control;
  • engineering services and distributed systems.

The TCDE sponsors the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). It publishes a quarterly newsletter, the Data Engineering Bulletin. There are approximately 1500 members of the TCDE.



*Executive Committee of TCDE

*The web page for the next ICDE conference

April 2-6, 2001 Heidelberg, Germany

* If you are a member of the IEEE Computer Society, you may join the TCDE and receive copies of the Data Engineering Bulletin without cost. Just fill out the form

*For recent online issues of the Data Engineering Bulletin, see our Bulletin www page