Jagger - C++ implementation of Pattern-based Japanese Morphological Analyzer

developed by Naoki Yoshinaga at Yoshinaga Lab., IIS, University of Tokyo
(Japanese page is here)
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Jagger is a fast, accurate, and space-efficient morphological analyzer [1] inspired by the dictionary-based longest matching for tokenization and the precomputation of machine-learning classifiers. Jagger applies patterns, which are extracted from morphological dictionaries and training data, to input from the beginning to jointly and deterministically perform tokenization, POS tagging, and lemmatization. Jagger can perform morphological analysis at more than 1,000,000 sentences per second on a single CPU (M2 MacBook Air) with an accuracy comparable to existing practical implementations of a morphological analyzer based on the Viterbi algorithm [2] and pointwise estimation [3].

If you make use of Jagger for research or commercial purposes, the reference will be:

Naoki Yoshinaga
Back to Patterns: Efficient Japanese Morphological Analysis with Feature-Sequence Trie
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-23). Toronto, Canada. July 2023

Refer to the slide and poster presented at ACL-23 for details of algorithms.


License: GNU GPLv2, LGPLv2.1, BSD

Download & Setup

> wget http://www.tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ynaga/jagger/jagger-latest.tar.gz
> tar zxvf jagger-latest.tar.gz
> cd jagger-YYYY-MM-DD

# 1) prepare a dictionary in the format compatible with mecab-jumandic (cf. mecab-jumandic-7.0-20130310.tar.gz)
> tar zxvf mecab-jumandic-7.0-20130310.tar.gz
> patch -p0 < mecab-jumandic-7.0-20130310.patch # correct gabled text in AuxV.csv

# 2) Use the Kyoto University Web Document Leads Corpus (default)
> git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/KWDLC
> configure

# 2') Or use the Kyoto University Text Corpus
> git clone https://github.com/ku-nlp/KyotoCorpus
> cd KyotoCorpus; auto_conv -d PATH_TO_MAINICHI_NEWS_DIR; cd ..
> configure --with-corpus=kyoto

# 3) Train a model from the standard split, evaluate the resulting model, and then install
> make model-benchmark && make install

# 3') To train a model using your own morphological dictionary and training data and then evaluate the resulting model on your test data
> make install
> train_jagger -d DICT_FILE TRAIN_FILE_WITH_POS > PATTERN_DIR/patterns
> jagger -m PATTERN_DIR [-wf] < TEST_FILE > result.JAG
> eval.py result.JAG TEST_FILE_WITH_POS

Available resources:





Typing jagger -h in the command line shows the following usage. By default, Jagger read the model trained with the dictionary and training data specified at the installation.

jagger: Pattern-based Jappanese Morphological Analyzer
Copyright (c) 2023- Naoki Yoshinaga, All rights reserved.

Usage: src/jagger [-m dir w] < input

 -m dir	directory for compiled patterns (default: JAGGER_DEFAULT_MODEL)
 -w	perform only segmentation

If you add the -w option, Jagger performs only tokenization. Option -f is meant to use block IO for faster execution. You may want to omit this option when you interactively perform morphological analysis in the command line.


Typing train_jagger in the command line will show the following usage.

train_jagger: Extract patterns for Jagger from dictionary and training data
Copyright (c) 2023- Naoki Yoshinaga, All rights reserved.

Usage: src/train_jagger [-m dir -d dict -u dict] train

 -m dir 	directory to store patterns
 -d dict	dictionary in CSV format
 -u user_dict	user-defined dictionary in CSV format

dict, user_dict are dictionaries in the format compatible with MeCab (jumandic); note that Jagger will ignore cost parameters etc. You may want to fill them with 0; the number of fields just matters. train should be an annotated corpus in the same format as Jagger (MeCab)'s outputs.

How to add user-defined patterns

Please use the previous version or add a partial annotated example that includes the target morpheme and surrounding contexts to the training data given to . I plan to implement a functionality to dynamically edit patterns in the inference in the future,

Performance Comparison

See the reference [1].

Third-Party Contributions

For those who want to use Jagger in prgoramming languages other than C++, the following third-party contributions to ports and bindings (wrappers) are available.


We do not guarantee that the implemented algorithms other than those proposed by us are patent-free; we regarded them to be patent-free simply because their implementations are available as (existing) open-source softwares (otherwise a simple patent look-up). Please be careful when you use this software for commercial use.


The development of this software is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP21H03494 and JST CREST JPMJCR19A4, Japan.


  1. Naoki Yoshinaga. Back to Patterns: Efficient Japanese Morphological Analysis with Feature-Sequence Trie. ACL-23. 2023
  2. Taku Kudo and Yuji Matsumoto. Applying Conditional Random Fields to Japanese Morphological Analysis. EMNLP-04. 2004
  3. Graham Neubig, Yosuke Nakata, and Shinsuke Mori. Pointwise Prediction for Robust, Adaptable Japanese Morphological Analysis. ACL-11. 2011

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