

Jumpei Sato, Naohiro Mitsutake, Hiroyuki Yamada, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Kazuo Goda
Virtual Patient Identifier (vPID): Improving Patient Traceability Using Anonymized Identifiers in Japanese Healthcare Insurance Claims Database
Heliyon, 9(5), e16209, 2023.05.11
Yuma Tsuta, Naoki Yoshinaga, Masashi Toyoda
Uncertainty-aware Automatic Evaluation Method for Open-domain Dialogue Systems
自然言語処理, 30(2), 531-556, 2023.06
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Kaho Hirayama, Naoki Kanda, Hideki Hashimoto, Hiromasa Yoshimoto, Kazuo Goda, Naohiro Mitsutake, Shuji Hatakeyama
The five-year trends in antibiotic prescription by dentists and antibiotic prophylaxis for tooth extraction: A region-wide claims study in Japan
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 29(10), 965-970, 2023.07.19
Tomoki Ishikawa, Jumpei Sato, Junko Hattori, Kazuo Goda, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Naohiro Mitsutake
Changes in Demand Volume and Patient/Health Care Provider Characteristics of First-Time Telehealth Users: A Comparative Analysis Before and After the COVID-19 Policy Response Using the Administrative Claims Database
Telemedicine and e-Health, 30(2), 509-517, 2023.08.17
Veena Pamalla, Uday Kiran Rage, Ravikumar Penugonda, Likhitha Palla, Yuto Hayamizu, Kazuo Goda, Masashi Toyoda, Koji Zettsu, Shrivastava Sourabh
A fundamental approach to discover closed periodic‑frequent patterns in very large temporal databases
Applied Intelligence, 53, 27344-27373, 2023.09.07
Hiroto Akatsuka, Masashi Toyoda
Analysis of the relationship between urban dynamics and prevalence of remote work based on population data generated from cellular networks
Nature: scientific reports, 2023.11.17
Veena Pamalla, Uday Kiran Rage, Ravikumar Penugonda, Likhitha Palla, Yutaka Watanobe, Sadanori Ito, Koji Zettsu, Masashi Toyoda & Venus vikranth raj Bathala
3P-ECLAT: mining partial periodic patterns in columnar temporal databases
Applied Intelligence, 54, 657–679, 2023.12.16


吉永 直樹
自然言語処理, 30(4), 1266-1271, 2023.12
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Genki Kimura, Yuto Hayamizu, Rage Uday Kiran, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Kazuo Goda
Efficient Parallel Mining of High-utility Itemsets on Multicore Processors
2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 638-652, 2023.04
Hiroyuki Yamada, Kazuo Goda, Masaru Kitsuregawa
Nested Loops Revisited Again
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), 3708-3717, 2023.04.04
Kosuke Nishida, Naoki Yoshinaga, Kyosuke Nishida
Self-Adaptive Named Entity Recognition by Retrieving Unstructured Knowledge
The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.05
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Naoki Yoshinaga
Back to Patterns: Efficient Japanese Morphological Analysis with Feature-Sequence Trie
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 13–23, 2023.07
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Satoshi Akasaki, Naoki Yoshinaga, Masashi Toyoda
Early Discovery of Disappearing Entities in Microblogs
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 4507–4520, 2023.07
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Keiji Shinzato, Naoki Yoshinaga, Yandi Xia, Wei-Te Chen
A Unified Generative Approach to Product Attribute-Value Identification
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 6599–6612, 2023.07
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Wei-Te Chen, Keiji Shinzato, Naoki Yoshinaga, Yandi Xia
Does Named Entity Recognition Truly Not Scale Up to Real-world Product Attribute Extraction?
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track, 152–159, 2023.07
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Satoshi Tohda, Naoki Yoshinaga, Masashi Toyoda
How Faithful are Social Media Posts in Representing News Articles?
9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2023), 2023.07
Shohei Hisamitsu,Sho Cho,Hongshan Jin,Masashi Toyoda,Naoki Yoshinaga
Diachronic Analysis of Users' Stances on COVID-19 Vaccination in Japan using Twitter
9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2023) , 2023.07
Tomoki Ishikawa, Akihito Kako, Hiromasa Yoshimoto, Junko Hattori, Kazuo Goda, Naohiro Mitsutake
Analyzing Patient-sharing Network Using an Administrative Claim Database in Japan
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo 2023), 1126-1130, 2023.07.09
Hiromasa Yoshimoto, Naohiro Mitsutake, Kazuo Goda
Predicting Medical Event Occurrence using Medical Insurance Claims Big Data
Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo 2023), 654-658, 2023.07.10
SHIMIZU Hiroki, TOYODA Masashi
A Dynamic Partial Update for Covariance Matrix Adaptation
The companion proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2023 (GECCO 2023), 2023.07.12
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Yuma Tsuta, Naoki Yoshinaga, Shoetsu Sato, Masashi Toyoda
Rethinking Response Evaluation from Interlocutor's Eye for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems
IJCNLP-AACL 2023 SRW, 55-63, 2023.11
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Kosuke Nishida, Naoki Yoshinaga, Kyosuke Nishida
Sparse Neural Retrieval Model for Efficient Cross-Domain Retrieval-Based Question Answering
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 819–830, 2023.12
Yueguan Wang and Naoki Yoshinaga
Summarization-based Data Augmentation for Document Classification
Proceedings of the 4th New Frontiers in Summarization Workshop, 49--55, 2023.12
Norifumi Nishikawa, Shinji Fujiwara, Yuto Hayamizu, Kazuo Goda
Physical Database Design for Manufacturing Business Analytics
Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2023), 1793-1802, 2023.12.18
Weiwen Su, Naoki Yoshinaga, Yuma Tsuta and Masashi Toyoda
Persona-based Dialogue Response Generation Using Personal Facts and Personality Traits
The 14th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2024), 2024.03
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Xin Zhao, Naoki Yoshinaga, Daisuke Oba
Tracing the Roots of Facts in Multilingual Language Models: Independent, Shared, and Transferred Knowledge
The 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2024), 2088–2102, 2024.03
Kosuke Nishida, Naoki Yoshinaga, Masashi Toyoda
Retrieval-Augmented Language Model for Long-Term Conversation via Weakly-Supervised Learning from Perplexity Improvements
The 14th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, 2024.03
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Seongmin Lee, Kohki Tamura, Tomoaki Nakamura, Naoki Yoshinaga
Can Noisy Cross-Utterance Contexts Help Speech-Recognition Error Correction?
The 14th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, 2024.03


情報処理学会 自然言語処理研究会, 2023.05
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三浦 優也, 小沢 健史, 合田 和生
WebDB夏のワークショップ2023, 2023.09
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WebDB夏のワークショップ2023, 66-71, 2023.09
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木村 元紀, 合田 和生
WebDB夏のワークショップ2023, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, pp. 72-77, 2023.09
北林遼大, 張翔, 豊田正史, 吉永直樹, 梅本和俊
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
三浦 優也, 小沢 健史, 合田 和生
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
不揮発メモリを対象とする空間索引のSSD との性能比較
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
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蔦侑磨, 吉永直樹
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集, 2210-2215, 2024.03
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吉本廣雅, 満武巨裕, 合田和生
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
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張 翔, 久光 祥平, 金 洪善, 豊田 正史, 吉永 直樹
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2024), 2024.03, 2024.03
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御手洗 陽紀, 合田 和生
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM 2024), 2024.03
Lianhao Yu, Naoki Yoshinaga, Masato Neishi, Yuma Tsuta
Non-literal Neural Machine Translation by Exploiting Non-literal Bitext
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集(2024年3月), 648-653, 2024.03
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Weiwen Su, Naoki Yoshinaga, Yuma Tsuta, Masashi Toyoda
Dialogue Response Generation Using Personal Facts and Personality Traits
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集, 1481-1486, 2024.03
単一表クエリを対象とするシノプシス埋込みによる 近似問合せ処理の評価
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム (DEIM2024), 2024.03
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佐藤文一, 吉永直樹, 豊田正史, 喜連川優
音声認識を用いた青空文庫振り仮名注釈付き音声コーパス の構築の試み
言語処理学会第30回年次大会 発表論文集, 1847-1851, 2024.03
西田光甫, 吉永直樹, 西田京介
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集(2024年3月), 2024.03
王悦綸, 吉永直樹
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集, 2449-2454, 2024.03
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木村 元紀, 合田 和生
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2024), 2024.03
田村鴻希, 吉永直樹, 根石将人
言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 論文集, 2698-2702, 2024.03
豊田 正史
第16回データ工学と情報マネジメントに関するフォーラム(DEIM2024), 2024.03.01
遠田哲史, 張翔, 北林遼大, 豊田正史, 吉永直樹
第259回自然言語処理研究発表会, 2024.03.10
趙信, 吉永直樹, 大葉大輔
第259回自然言語処理研究発表会, 2024.03.11
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Computational Storageの潮流と可能性
Autumn Seminar: ストレージプラットフォームの進化と展望, 2023.11.14