2024.03 |
Masato Neishi |
Effective Training Methods for Practical Neural Machine Translation |
Doctorial Course |
Yuma Tsuta |
Diversity-Aware Evaluation Methods for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems |
Doctorial Course |
Kousuke Nishida |
Dynamic Adaptation of Pre-trained Language Models by Retrieving Textual Knowledge |
Doctorial Course |
Hiroto Akatsuka |
大規模モビリティデータに基づく社会活動のモデリング手法 |
Doctorial Course |
Jin Sakuma |
Doctorial Course |
Hiroki Shimizu |
Doctorial Course |
Jyunichiro Tsuchiya |
Master's Course |
Lianhao Yu |
Non-literal Neural Machine Translation By Exploiting Non-literal Bitext |
Master's Course |
Ryota Kitabayashi |
Twitter を用いた COVID-19 ワクチン接種の 継続性に関係する情報共有行動の分析 |
Master's Course |
Yuya Miura |
GPU直接入出力を用いたデータベース問合せ実行方式に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Shriya Bhatija |
Internship Student |
2023.09 |
Satoshi Kawasaki |
Doctorial Course |
2023.03 |
Takehiko Kyono |
Improving Style Consistency of Documents by Using Outlier Detection and Style Transfer Based on Style Disentanglement |
Master's Course |
Tiyajamorn Nattapong |
Noise-Tolerant Multimodal Sentiment Analysis using Modal-Independent Classifiers |
Master's Course |
Meguru Takasaki |
教師なし対話文脈抽出に基づく長期間の対話履歴を活用した雑談応答生成 |
Master's Course |
Fumikazu Sato |
Doctorial Course |
2022.09 |
Tomoaki Nakamura |
文脈を考慮したニューラル音声認識誤り訂正 |
Master's Course |
2022.03 |
Satoshi Akasaki |
Early Recognition of Emerging and Disappearing Entities in Microblogs for Entity-based Social Listening |
Doctorial Course |
Natsuko Nakamura |
Low-Resource Multimodal Machine Translation Based on Image-Aware Back-Translation and Perturbation |
Master's Course |
Nobumasa Ishida |
Extracting Potential Areas with Community-Acquired Infections of COVID-19 Using Fine-Grained Spatiotemporal Population Data |
Master's Course |
Shohei Hisamitsu |
TwitterユーザのCOVID-19ワクチン接種に対するスタンスおよびその分極化の推移に関する分析 |
Master's Course |
Hiroki Yuasa |
データ構造へのシノプシス埋込みによる近似問合せ手法の研究 |
Master's Course |
Koki Kato |
非集約型ストレージアーキテクチャに於ける 問合せ処理方式に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Wang Yao |
Visually-Guided Named Entity Recognition by Grounding Words with Images via Retrieval |
Master's Course |
Yimou Liao |
Early Detection of Fact Check-worthy Tweets by Using User Reactions |
Master's Course |
Wei Aoxue |
Master's Course |
2021.12 |
Joshua Benjamin Tanner |
Internship Student |
2021.03 |
Takumi Ohmae |
A Method for Analyzing Cross-Ideological Information Sharing among Microblog Users to Understand Political Polarization in Japan |
Master's Course |
Haosen Zhan |
Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning between Distant Languages by Capturing Word Orders |
Master's Course |
Weikun Ma |
Learning to Generate Personalized Chat Responses via Multi-task Learning with Personality Prediction |
Master's Course |
Yuehao Yuan |
L1-aware Grammatical Error Correction via Multitasking with Native Language Estimation |
Master's Course |
Tianchi Zuo |
Text Simplification Evaluation Using Pre-trained Model Fine-tuned on Simplified Sentence Detection |
Master's Course |
Hiroki Isokawa |
Detecting and Analyzing Change Points in Urban Dynamics Using Population and Facility Location Data |
Master's Course |
Ryotaro Tsukada |
Forecasting Population at Gathering Places \with Microblog Posts Referring to Future Events |
Master's Course |
2020.03 |
Takaaki Sanjyo |
Variational Auto-Encoder on Stiefel Space |
Master's Course |
Yutaro Bessho |
A Study on Analytical Parallel Database Systems with Dynamic Fault Tolerance |
Master's Course |
Nobukazu Fukuda |
Computing embeddings for unknown words using their surface similarity to known words |
Master's Course |
Amane Sugiyama |
Context-aware Neural Machine Translation Exploiting Monolingual Corpora by Back-translation and Language Modeling |
Master's Course |
Xuan Wu |
Research Student |
2019.09 |
Yuta Takayasu |
Master's Course |
2019.03 |
Kazuhiko Yasuda |
Generating Adversarial Examplesfrom Diverse Text using Denoising Autoencoder |
Master's Course |
Boming Luo |
A Study on Energy Consumption Modelsof Analytics Query Processing |
Master's Course |
Satoshi Tohda |
Unsupervised Speaker Identicationof Quotes in Literary Text |
Master's Course |
2018.09 |
Yuichi Tanikawa |
Master's Course |
Jun Suzuki |
I/Oデバイスの分離アーキテクチャに関する研究 |
Doctorial Course |
2018.08 |
Simon Klimek |
Exchange student |
2018.03 |
Kohei Ohara |
Dialogue-Act-Based Neural Conversation Model |
Master's Course |
Jian Chen |
Reducing Bias in A/B Testing on Social Network Services |
Master's Course |
Yuki Sato |
A Study on Performance Testing of Shingled Magnetic Recording Disk Drives by the Use of IO Traces |
Master's Course |
2017.03 |
Tatsuya Iwanari |
Learning to Order Concepts for Inferring Values of Social Media Users |
Master's Course |
Mika Koizumi |
On-demand Retrieval from Microblogsbased on Posting Contexts |
Master's Course |
2016.03 |
Chihiro Kato |
A Study on Database Query Optimization with Awareness of Aging Locality |
Master's Course |
Takashi Kawamoto |
Analysis and Detection of Information Cascades with Social Influence from Microblogs |
Master's Course |
Ryo Kojima |
A Study on Vehicle Recorder Analysis for Understanding Risk of Roads |
Master's Course |
2016.01 |
Taiki Hasegawa |
Students |
2015.03 |
Yu Suzuki |
Geolocation Estimation of Microbloggers Utilizing Their Recent Posts |
Master's Course |
Yuma Maki |
Detecting Unknown Entities from Text Streams |
Master's Course |
Naohiro Ito |
Inducing Generalized Inference Rules by Using Thesaurus and Massive Text |
Master's Course |
Shouta Shimizu |
Identifying Spam Users in Microblogs based on Structural and Temporal Features in Their Social Interactions |
Master's Course |
Kun Liu |
Improving the Resource Utilisation in MapReduce |
Master's Course |
2014.10 |
Yong Ren |
Minimally Supervised Approaches to Emotion Classification using Unlabeled Data |
Doctorial Course |
Wenliang Gao |
Sentiment Analysis Using Polarity Bias and Correlation |
Doctorial Course |
2014.03 |
Hiroki Okamoto |
Research on User Recommendation in Microblogs Based on Users' Interactions and Contents |
Master's Course |
Keisuke Suzuki |
A Study on Acceleration Techniques for Query Processing of Large Database Systems on SSDs |
Master's Course |
Kei Tsuchiya |
Detecting Train Troubles and Predicting Their Impacts from Microblogs |
Master's Course |
Toshiaki Kurihara |
Obtaining Information of Schedule Changes and Their Impact in Text Data |
Master's Course |
Toshiharu Nishina |
Ordering Concepts from Various Viewpoints by using Large-scale Web Text |
Master's Course |
2013.09 |
Yanhui Gu |
Research on Efficient Similar Sentence Extraction |
Doctorial Course |
2013.03 |
Sven Groot |
Research on efficient resource utilization in data intensive distributed systems |
Doctorial Course |
Wataru IShida |
A Study on Runtime Load Balancing for Data Intensive Applications Exploiting Access Locality |
Master's Course |
Shohei Okudera |
Research on Adopting Adaptive Index in Large Distributed Computing Environment |
Master's Course |
Naoya Nakashima |
Acquiring Time-Specic Event Chains from Time-Series Text |
Master's Course |
Takayuki Hasegawa |
Predicting and Evoking Listener's Emotion in Online Dialogue |
Master's Course |
2012.03 |
Geerajit Rattanaritnont |
A Study on Patterns of Information Cascades in Microblogs based on Distributions of Users’ Influence and Posting Behaviors |
Master's Course |
Xingtian Shi |
Tag Recommendation in Photo Sharing Services based on Multi-Granular Context Dependency |
Master's Course |
Tomohide Fujikawa |
Discovering Topics from Microblogs and Classifying Users' Attitude Towards the Truth of the Topics |
Master's Course |
Yohei Takaku |
Classication of Semantic Relations between Named Entities based on Constancy and Uniqueness |
Master's Course |
Tatsuya Nakamura |
A Study on Distributed Filtering Method for Join Processing in Wireless Sensor Database Systems |
Master's Course |
Hongguang Zheng |
Classification of Microblog Posts Based on Information Publicness |
Master's Course |
2011.09 |
Yasuhiro Fujiwara |
Efficient Sequence Data Analysis with Hidden Markov Models |
Doctorial Course |
2011.03 |
Young-Joo Chung |
Chung A Study on the Evolution and Emergence of Web Spam |
Doctorial Course |
Yongkun Wang |
Research on High Performance Database Management Systems with Solid State Disks |
Doctorial Course |
Hideaki Muramoto |
Inducing Semantic Category Classifier Using Large Scale Web Data |
Master's Course |
Tetsuya Kamijo |
Organizing Images on CGM for Social Analysis |
Master's Course |
2010.03 |
Takumi Kida |
検索クエリの時間変化を考慮したクラスタリングに関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Haruka Yamane |
画像類似度に基づくリンク解析を用いたCGM画像ランキング手法に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2009.09 |
Faizal Kurniawan |
Master's Course |
2009.03 |
Takashi Hoshino |
Doctorial Course |
Lin Li |
Enhancing Web Search by Personalized Re-ranking and Related Keyword Suggestion |
Doctorial Course |
Shirou Tabuchi |
共起情報に基づく大規模コーパスからの語義の発見手法 |
Master's Course |
2008.03 |
Haruka Hirai |
Master's Course |
Ken-ichi Fukushima |
Master's Course |
2007.03 |
Katsumi Takahashi |
ジオワード・マイニングを用いたローカルサーチの研究 |
Doctorial Course |
Yuya Ueno |
省電力型問い合わせデータベース問い合わせ実行方式の研究 |
Master's Course |
Yasuhiro Yoshida |
Wikipediaを用いた人物名の曖昧性解消 |
Master's Course |
BinShuang Hang |
ウェブにおける有向サイトグラフからのスパム発見に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2006.03 |
Hiroshi Ono |
リンク解析を用いたウェブ上のスパム発見手法に関する一考察 |
Master's Course |
Hidenori Tamba |
ウェブのリンク構造を用いて話題の時系列変化を分析及び可視化する手法に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Yifei Tao |
A Study on Dynamic Performance Provisioning in Storage Virtualization Facility |
Master's Course |
Yukou Takahashi |
Master's Course |
2005.09 |
Alpay Erdem |
Doctorial Course |
2005.03 |
Shigeru Fujimura |
Webからの評判情報抽出に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2004.03 |
Iko Pramudiono |
Parallel Platform for Large Scale Web Usage Mining |
Doctorial Course |
2003.03 |
Masashi Abe |
テキスト情報とリンク構造解析を用いたWeb情報検索の改善手法に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Yuichi Yokoyama |
SANを用いた仮想化ストレージとその自律的負荷分散機構 |
Master's Course |
Satoshi Yoshida |
ウェブコミュニティとウェブディレクトリの相互評価に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2002.03 |
Yusuke Oura |
Webアクセスログのクラスタリングによる問合わせ拡張支援に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2001.09 |
Hisham Feelifl |
Online Data Placement Reorganization for Parallel Database Systems |
Doctorial Course |
2001.03 |
Takahiro Yasui |
大規模PCクラスタ上の並列データベースシステムにおける動的負荷分散方式に関する研究 |
Dr.,Master Course |
Kenji Ishii |
関係データベース処理系 DBKernel における複数問合せ同時実行機構に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
2000.09 |
Seigo Muto |
Dr.,Master Course |
2000.03 |
Takeshi Ozawa |
投機的トランザクション実行手法の性能評価に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Kagehiro Mukai |
問合せ実行木を利用したディスクプリフェッチに関する研究 |
Master's Course |
1999.03 |
Takahiko Araya |
データマイニングの並列処理に関する研究 |
Doctorial Course |
Satoshi Inami |
高機能ディスクにおけるアクセスプランを用いたプリフェッチ機構に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
Masatoshi Tamura |
並列相関ルールマイニング処理における動的負荷制御手法に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
1998.03 |
Toshiaki Saeki |
関係データベースによる相関ルールマイニングの研究 |
Master's Course |
1997.07 |
Stephen B. Davis |
Doctorial Course |
1997.03 |
Kazuhiko Mogi |
参照局所性を利用したディスクアレイの高性能化手法に関する研究 |
Doctorial Course |
Hiro-omi Imai |
分散共有メモリ並列計算機上における結合演算処理方式の研究 |
Master's Course |
Shinya Murayama |
Master's Course |
1996.03 |
Ken-ichiro Ayukawa |
Master's Course |
1995.03 |
Minoru Nakamura |
並列関係問合せ処理の実行方式とその実装並びに性能評価に関する研究 |
Doctorial Course |
Kazuhiko Sako |
NOAA気象衛星画像の格納を目的とした超大容量ファイルシステムの構築 |
Master's Course |
1994.03 |
Masanobu Harada |
Doctorial Course |
Manabu Kitamura |
並列データベースシミュレータによる関係演算処理方式の研究 |
Master's Course |
Kazuo Takahashi |
Master's Course |
1993.03 |
Kazuhiko Matsumoto |
Dr.,Master Course |
Hideaki Okada |
超並列計算機におけるソートを用いた関係データベース処理に関する研究 |
Master's Course |
1992.03 |
Satoshi Hirano |
高並列関係データベースサーバに於けるシステムソフトウェアの研究 |
Doctorial Course |
Yuichi Aiba |
Master's Course |
Kazuhiro Suzuki |
高並列データベースサーバの性能評価支援システムに関する研究 |
Master's Course |
1991.03 |
Shin-ichiro Tsudaka |
Master's Course |
1990.03 |
WeiKang Yang |
ハードウェアソータを用いた並列データベースマシンの研究 |
Doctorial Course |
1989.03 |
Masaya Nakayama |
高速演算処理方式に基づく関係データベース処理システムの構成に関する研究 |
Doctorial Course |