Code and Data


  • J.DepP
    • C++ implementation of Japanese dependency parsing algorithms [EMNLP-09, COLING-10, COLING-14].
  • opal
    • C++ library of online learning with kernel slicing [COLING-10].
  • pecco
    • C++ library for efficient classification with conjunctive features [EMNLP-09, COLING-14].
  • cedar
    • An updatable double-array trie, which offers fast update/lookup for skewed queries in real-world data [COLING-14].
  • yakmo
    • Robust, efficient k-means clustering with triangular inequality and smart initialization, while supporting alternative clustering outputs.
  • RenTAL
    • RenTAL is a system that converts (feature-based) LTAG grammars into HPSG-style grammars [ACL-03].
  • banditlib
    • banditlib is a C++ package for multi-armed bandit simulations.
  • HMP: Hidden Markov Perceptron for Large-scale Sequence Labeling
    • HMP is an implementation of perceptron training and staggered decoding for labeling sequential data [ACL-10].
  • Jagger
    • C++ implementation of Japanese morphological analyzer [ACL-23].
  • PAMI
    • Pattern Mining Library for Python.

